Die Welt hat den Blues
von Klaus-Dieter Pape
1995 hat der österreichische Pianist Christian Willisohn einen Liedtext von Alexandra Mayer vertont. Dieser trägt den Namen: „Blues on the world“.
Weit mehr als 20 Jahre später ist dieses Lied im Blick auf die derzeitige Weltlage – leider – wieder sehr aktuell.
Ein neues Jahr beginnt, die Sehnsucht nach und Hoffen auf Frieden und Erlösung wird mithineingenommen in dieses neue Jahr: „Jesus, schenke meinem Herzen Erleichterung.“
Blues on the world When I think about our world and how it’s gonna be a strong feeling of blues is touching me. how can one man hate another for the color of his skin? how can people make a war begin? look at all the children, dying every day how can we turn and look away? did all the soldiers, killed in war did they know what they’ve been fightin’ for? I beg you Jesus would you please come down and show us a better way. teach us to give, help us to live In a world where we can stay, a world where we can stay. people kill themselves for reasons they don’t know all the homeless have no place to go. how can creatures be teased, that don’t have a chance to fight? will the blind man ever see the light? I beg you Jesus would you please come down and show us a better way. teach us to give, help us to live in a world where we can stay, forever and a day. come and help us Jesus, make the world a better place no more fightin’ for religion, land and race. let all people love each other and live a live in peace Jesus give my heart relief. heal the world from its disease. Jesus give my heart relief. |
Die Welt hat den Blues
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